Visual quality standards – automotive window film
Adopted by WFAANZ, these visual quality standards cover applied window film onto automotive glass.
Download the PDF here.
Installed film on these surfaces is not expected to have the same visual quality as glass.
The following covers a ‘standard’ installation, which assumes:
- The film is applied to glass that is devoid of defect
- The vehicle is relatively clean and dust free at the time of installation and inspection
When inspecting for visual quality, these conditions must be met: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Inspections will be carried out in natural daylight (not indoors)
- Each window will be inspected separately
- Each window will be inspected for no longer than 30 seconds each
Stages of inspection
STAGE 1: Initially, the inspection is conducted from the outside of the vehicle at a distance of one (1) meter, perpendicular to the glass, with the window in the fully closed (up) position.
STAGE 2: The window is then lowered to inspect the edge.
STAGE 3: The window is again raised to the fully closed (up) position and inspected internally for visible distortion.

Cure time
Installed film takes a certain amount of time to achieve full adhesion, a process known as ‘dry out time’ or ‘cure time’. This is because a surfactant or slip agent solution in water is used to float the film onto the glass during its installation.
The time it takes for the film to fully cure can relate to the thickness of the film, the materials used in its construction, and climatic and vehicle storage conditions.
Inspection for visual quality can be made before full cure is attained. However, observations of issues like water distortion, moisture bubbles and water haze that are made during this time can be a consequence of the film’s normal drying process and should not be classified as defects.

Due to the difficulty of automotive film installations, particularly on older vehicles, some inclusions are acceptable. An ‘inclusion’ may be dirt or dust particles, hair, fibres, fingerprints, etc. An installation is deemed to be not acceptable if five (5) inclusions larger than 2mm in size are within a 100mm radius of any section of the glass, and are visible when viewed under the inspection parameters mentioned above.
Any spears, creases, scratches or tears are unacceptable.

The top cut film edge shall be neat and have a consistent gap from edge.
Gaps around perimeter edges must be uniform.
Film is to be trimmed neatly around slider/flipper clips with a maximum visible gap of 2mm.
All edges to be clean and lie flat on the glass with no puckering.

Light reflections
A few small particles or points causing light reflections may be visible both externally and internally.
These are inherent in film adhesives and have no detrimental effect on the film’s performance, nor do they constitute an installation or product quality fault.
Visible distortion
After the film has fully cured there should be no visible distortion when viewed from the inside to the outside through the glass/film combination, from perpendicular up to an angle of 45 degrees.
The diagram on the right depicts the optimal viewing arc when inspecting inside the vehicle for visible distortion, and the viewing angles at which distortion is acceptable and unacceptable.

Dispute Resolution
As is the case in all industries, problems can occasionally arise between businesses and customers. Most can be resolved by talking through issues rationally to achieve a solution. However, dispute resolution is sometimes necessary. If you reach a stalemate, please refer to your relevant state Fair Trading agency or government body for information on resolving marketplace disputes.
Once all other avenues are exhausted, WFAANZ can provide an inspection service for matters relating to automotive window film installation. There are, however, some disputes in which we are unable to be involved. For instance, complaints concerning film specifications/performance such as visible light transmission, film matching, heat rejection and the like are not part of a normal visual quality inspection. Contact for more information.