You’d be hard pressed to find a window that can’t have its performance enhanced by window film, AKA tint. A professional window film installer can apply film to the windows in your home or office, or automotive film in your vehicle.
WFAANZ is the peak industry body for the Australian and New Zealand window film industries. Our members include window film installers and distributors. Established 30 years ago, WFAANZ is proudly independent and non-profit.
WERS For Film is a simple and accurate energy rating system that helps you do two things – compare the energy performance of different films and find an accredited window film installer. The program operates in Australia only.
Did you know there’s a limit to how dark you can tint your car windows? Or that safety glass may be required for some windows in your home?
Find a tinter
Use our member directory to find a local tinter you can trust. The directory covers the Australian and New Zealand markets.
Answering the questions we’re most often asked about window film.
Fact sheets
A series of information sheets covering all aspects of window film.
VLT cards
WFAANZ sells 35% VLT cards, which enable you to quickly and easily check if the darkness of the tint on your front car windows is legal.
For inspiration, view some examples of window film in action.
By Design magazine
Feature article written by WFAANZ explains when, where and how window film can be used to its best effect.

getting more from your windows
Summer heat, winter chill, shocking electricity bills, glare on the TV or fading timber floors are some of the problems window film solves. These WFAANZ videos explain how the right film can optimise the performance of your existing windows.
WFAANZ releases industry white paper
An industry white paper entitled ‘Window Film and Decarbonisation’ has been released by WFAANZ, examining the role retrofit window film will play in Australian and New Zealand efforts to meet carbon emission milestones. Download a copy of the report here.
WFAANZ and GSR Laser Tools.
Correctly identifying glass is a critical step in the installation process. With that in mind, WFAANZ has partnered with GSR Laser Tools to offer our members a reduced rate for the Merlin Laser Glass Analysis Kit. More info here.

members only area
Materials, updates, databases and opportunities for current WFAANZ associate and distributor members. Members can email for login details.
TAFE NSW offers entry-level tinter training courses that cover the fundamental theory and practical elements of window film installation.

Join your fellow window film installers on these live webinar sessions that provide a comprehensive grounding in the technical aspects of architectural window film.

why join wfaanz?
Installers who become members of WFAANZ support the industry that supports them, while gaining powerful credentials that prove their commitment to quality.
Members have access to exclusive marketing tools, materials, updates, training and promotional opportunities.