May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024 issue of Window Film News.
As we hurtle toward the middle of 2024, Trans-Tasman window film installers continue to feel the impact of the many external factors influencing our industry.
For WFAANZ, this has meant:
- delivering industry training,
- building a new Automotive Window Film Certification module,
- fighting for the inclusion of window film installers on the Core Skills Occupation List,
- presenting education seminars to energy assessors and building designers,
- negotiating partnerships that support our member’s businesses,
- liaising with government,
- ensuring compliance with the new provisions in AS 2208:2023…and that’s just scratching the surface.
Being a WFAANZ member ensures you stay updated about these developments and are poised to take advantage where possible. If you’re a building or automotive window film installer interested in joining, read more here.

Identification is key
Gone are the days when most of the glazing on a building is float glass (annealed).
Tightening energy regulations such as the National Construction Code 2022’s provision for a minimum of seven stars for all new homes, has led to a surge in performance glazing. Knowing if you’re installing onto laminated, toughened, Low E coated, or an insulated glass unit with a combination thereof, has a massive impact on what films to recommend. Knowing which surface is coated, or determining the hard/soft side of toughened glass, is just as crucial.
With a view to protecting and strengthening industry standards, WFAANZ recommends building film installers equip themselves with reliable and accurate glass identification tools such as those found in the Merlin Laser Glass Analysis Kit from GSR Laser Tools.
This year, WFAANZ and GSR Laser Tools joined forces to offer WFAANZ members a discount on the Merlin Lazer Glass Analysis Kit.

The kit contains:
- Toughened Glass Indicator
- Laser Glass Thickness Gauge
- Low E Coating Detector

Cost for Australian members: AU$950 includes GST and free freight. This represents a saving of $106 + freight for Australian members.
Cost for New Zealand members: AU$864. Freight will be charged at cost rate; no export admin fee; EFT and card payment accepted; purchaser responsible for own customs/import charges, if any.
Accurate glass identification makes the discussion with your client about film options an informed one. If the goal is for installers to be trained and outfitted to provide optimal thermal performance solutions while mitigating the risk of thermal stress breakage, then this kit should be a staple.
Setting an impression of professionalism is another obvious benefit, which puts your business in good stead to win the job if the customer is deciding between different installers.
Jan Matthews, PRGS Tinting Services, comments: “Well done WFAANZ. We have been using this kit for over 20 years and couldn’t recommend it more highly”.
Thank you to all our members who have already taken advantage of this offer. If you would like to order a kit, please download the order form here, and email it along with a copy of your current WFAANZ membership certificate to:
Visit the GSR site here, or read more about the partnership on the WFAANZ website here.
Energy audits made easy, written by Amelia Pinkard, Partnership Relationships Coordinator, Choice Energy
WFAANZ has partnered with Choice Energy to offer WFAANZ members strategies and solutions to reduce energy costs and improve operational efficiency.
In the last few years, the cost of running a window film business has skyrocketed due to a multitude of factors like cost of living pressures, salary increases, rising material costs, insurance premium surges…and the list goes on. The price of energy is one of these expenditures – and that’s where Choice Energy can help.
Choice Energy is an Australian owned and operated energy consultancy with over 10,000 customers.

It’s an energy partner to more than 50 associations, buying groups and organisations like Metcash Group, Capricorn Automotive, and now WFAANZ. Since July 1 2023, it has helped 620 businesses identify and save over $4,000,000 on their energy spend.
Here’s how the WFAANZ/Choice Energy partnership works…

WFAANZ members contact Choice Energy for a free ‘energy audit’, and its experts review and advise on whether it adopts the best approach to procuring/paying for energy – to pinpoint if and where savings can be made. It’s essentially an obligation-free energy bill health check for electricity and gas, the result of which is either:
- Peace-of-mind, knowing that not even a team of energy geeks could find a way to reduce your energy spend, or
- You receive a report listing your options to improve your energy procurement model.
Amelia Pinkard, Partnership Relationships Coordinator, Choice Energy, said: “We are proud to partner with the Window Film Association of Australia and New Zealand. I look forward to working with its members to help them take control of rising energy costs and lower their environmental footprint through our expert energy procurement services and quality solar solutions.”
Amelia continues: “Last week’s budget announced a $325 rebate for one million Australian businesses. That amount is next to nothing for a business already struggling. It’s a clear indication that although Australia is in the worst energy crisis it’s ever been in, businesses need to take control themselves. We hope we can help window film businesses do just that.”
As an example, when auto repair shop Norsun Enterprises, Sunshine, Victoria, felt the sting of rising electricity prices, the owners engaged Choice Energy for a review. Choice Energy facilitated an energy procurement tender, identified a more cost-effective retailer, and facilitated the switch. Choice also worked with the business’ owners to reduce their energy costs at home and assessed the energy rates for some of their friends too. It is projected the business will save close to $3,500 per year in comparison to the previous contract.
WFAANZ members can contact Amelia Pinkard with a recent copy of your energy bill on or 0413 874 116, or learn more about Choice Energy here.
New safety standard impacts tinters
On 15 December 2023 Standards Australia published the revised standard – AS 2208:2023, Safety glazing materials in buildings. There are some important things installers of safety and security window film should know about the new standard…

- Safety label. Tinters are responsible for applying safety labels to each pane of glass when installing safety and security film in accordance with AS 1288:2021 Section 5, Criteria for Human Impact. This has always been the case. The mandatory text that must be printed on the sticker has changed. There is also a new stipulation stating the label must be adhered underneath the window film, facing internally.
- Duration of compliance. As certain components of window film do break down over a long period of time, it is now a provision of AS 2208: 2023 that a window with applied safety film maintains Grade A safety glass compliance for 20 years only. That’s why the year of installation will now be printed on the safety label, and means safety film distributors have to provide new labels to installers every year.
WFAANZ is in the process of printing new labels. When done, WFAANZ provides them to distributors, and they provide them to you, the installers. If you deal with a WFAANZ distributor, they will let you know when the new stickers are available.
This standard supersedes AS/NZS 2208:1996. The NZS has been removed from the title because AS 2208:2023 is not enacted in New Zealand.

Purchasing the standards
AS 2208:2023 relates to the “…test requirements for safety glazing for use in buildings”. While it is necessary for installers to be aware of the standard, it’s not a requirement for you to own a copy. If you would still like one, visit the Standards Australia store here.
AS 1288:2021 relates to the installation of glazing, and includes the section on human impact. AS 1288:2021: “Sets out procedures for the selection and installation of glass in buildings, subject to wind loading, human impact, and special applications. Glass strength is specified, based on the tensile stresses on the surface of the glass.” Purchase a copy of AS 1288:2021 here.
For more in-depth education about the standards impacting Australia tinters, it is recommended you attend the WFAANZ Architectural Window Film workshop (online training).
Fifteen years of voluntary service
The AS/NZS 2208: 1996 review process began back in 2020. WFAANZ Vice President Rob Hamilton represented WFAANZ and the entire industry as he actively advocated for window film during review meetings and liaisons from 2020 till now. In total, Rob’s has been representing our industry and working with Standards Australia for the past 15 years.
On May 14 at Sydney’s Four Seasons Hotel that service was recognised when Rob received a ’15 year volunteer’ award from Standards Australia. From WFAANZ, our members and everyone else who benefitted from the time you’ve dedicated to the cause: congrats and thanks Rob, it’s such a well-deserved shout out.

CSOL submission – a pathway to recognition
Jobs & Skills Australia (JSA) is seeking feedback on the draft CSOL – the Core Skills Occupations List. How does this affect you as a window film installer? Currently, installers aren’t on the CSOL, and if they want to be considered for future skills shortage visa agreements, they need to be included. As an industry, we’re experiencing a massive shortage of relevant skilled workers, which has a significant impact on our businesses. CSOL listings get us one step closer to a solution.

The CSOL informs government migration policy. It’s somewhat similar to the Skills Migration Occupations List used for temporary skills visa purposes. To secure a place for auto and building window film installers on the CSOL – WFAANZ needs your help.
JSA invited community consultation on the CSOL in the form of a submission (there was also a survey – but the deadline for that has passed). So, WFAANZ is now asking you make a submission to get window film installers included on the CSOL. Even if you already submitted a survey, please go that extra mile to complete a submission too, because the more industry feedback JSA receives from installers, the stronger our case will be.
The CSOL is divided into three lists, one being the Draft CSOL Targeted for Consultation List, covering jobs the JSA Migration Model suggests should be targeted for stakeholder feedback. This is the list WFAANZ relevant to window film installers. JSA is particularly interested in market surveys and independent research, business recruitment experiences and the views of Australian and migrant workers and jobseekers. 399611_Signwriter and 333111_Glazier are already on this list.
The tinting roles for inclusion on the CSOL:
- 899412 Autoglazier (Vehicle Window Tinter), and
- 821411 Building Insulation Installer (Window Tinter (Building)).
Submissions can be submitted up to 5pm AEST on 31 May 2024. How to lodge a submission:
- Go to this link: Draft Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL) for Consultation | Jobs and Skills Australia
- Scroll down to and click the purple “Lodge your submission” button.
- Upload any materials you have that support our case – job ads, recruitment experiences, etc. in the first section; and in the second write as little or as much as you like about your business experience in terms of employment, recruitment difficulties, having to turn away jobs due to labour deficits, etc.
- Hit NEXT, and that’s it.
If you have any questions, feel free to email
Renovation wave
“In 2050, most Australians will be living in homes that already exist today, making renovations an essential part of achieving net zero”, Climateworks, Climate-ready homes: Building the case for a renovation wave in Australia. Enhancing the thermal performance of existing windows with film will play a critical part in the plan to net zero.

No go zones
Last year Australia experienced one of its worst road tolls in five years, with 1266 lives tragically lost. In New Zealand, the 2023 road toll was 341, which is lower than the year before but 22 more than in 2021.
When modifying a vehicle with window film, your customer is trusting that their safety isn’t compromised. That’s why the onus is on you, the professional, to ensure all modifications are in line with regulations, even when your customer or other businesses are pressuring you to bend the rules.

As an example, companies are still trying to convince installers that tinting a windscreen is legal if it’s optically clear film. There are many compelling reasons why no window film should be applied to the lower part of a passenger vehicle’s windscreen, in every state and territory in Australia. Here are some of them:
- Safety. We are discussing the driver’s critical viewing area. There are far too many variables outside of an installer’s control that could impede the driver’s vision after the installation of window film, even optically clear film.
- Longevity. There is no assurance that optically clear film will not darken/discolour over time, especially in the extreme climates in Australia and New Zealand.
- Liability. If a windscreen with film was found to be the contributing factor in an accident, the installer could be held liable.
- Legislation. Most states and territories adopt model legislation by the National Transport Commission, that’s why you have many different jurisdictions using the exact same language. In most cases you will find the sentence: “no other coating or tinting is permitted on the windscreen that reduces its LT”. That includes by any percentage, even the 2% that some optically clear films for windscreens claim to affect the VLT by.
- Confusion. Police and inspectors follow regulations to the letter. If the regulation states “no film at all permitted on the lower part of the windscreen” – then that’s the rule they will enforce.
BDAA online chapter meeting
On Tuesday, 7 May WFAANZ committee member Adam Adair presented to 353 building designers and energy assessors at the Building Designers Association of Australia (BDAA) national chapter meeting. Afterwards, Adam fielded a range of questions and requests for further information. The positive feedback speaks to the interest in window film among this group. Training programs that educate related industries is at the heart of what we do here at WFAANZ, so we’re grateful to the BDAA for the opportunity.

Growing cohort of WERS For Film accredited individuals
Massive congrats to these newly accredited industry leaders, who join the existing list of WERS For Film accredited individuals.
- Chris Kelsey
- Dave Kazanowski
- Sam Rix
- Tatijana Lazic
- Scott Whitehead
- Luke Bonanno
- Chris Wingard
- Brendan Mates
- Ian Myers
- Kenny Benson
- Trace Stewart
- Matthew Perri
- Robert Villamil
- Tim Spicer
- Paul Luck
- Stephen Buckley
- Nadine Laing
- LD Erasmus

The picture above shows Stephen Buckley and Paul Luck from Creative Blinds Toowoomba with their WERS For Film accreditation certificates.
Stephen said: “Five staff and I recently received Architectural Window Film certification through WFAANZ, with two of us going on to gain WERS For Film accreditation. Having both accreditations, my business now has a solid foundation on which to build local recognition and credibility. As WERS For Film is nationally recognised, I can promote our accreditation on my website and social media pages so that our potential customers know they are dealing with an outfit that takes quality, standards, and training seriously. Thank-you must also go to Ally and her team at the Window Film Association of Australia and New Zealand in providing both the professional leadership and training for our trade. Architectural window film is a natural, complementary fit to my widow furnishing business.”
Anyone who doesn’t know about WERS For Film accreditation – it means you’re able to complete WERS For Film accredited jobs, and in doing so issue energy certificates to your clients that certify the SHGC, U value and heating and cooling percentage improvement of the windows with film. You can promote yourself as being an energy expert, having Australia’s only independent accreditation credential for building film installers. Learn more about the accreditation process here. WERS For Film – WFAANZ
Film finder
If you’ve ever trawled through the WERS For Film ratings tables searching for products that meet your criteria, then you’re going to love this news. The window film pages on the WERS website now has a search function.
Few things to note:
- WERS For Film no longer uses star ratings
- Independently verified data for each rated film includes heating and cooling percentage, SHGC, U value, VLT and air infiltration
- Commercial and residential ratings are on different pages
- Search fields – you can leave any or all fields blank; OR you can filter by supplier, frame type, SHGC range or a specific SHGC, min or max U value or VLT
Check out the new search function: WERS Search (
Cost comparison bodes well
HIA Economist Maurice Tapang: “…the price of timber windows…are over 60% more expensive than pre-pandemic levels.” BuiltView, Autumn 2024.
According to the HIA, construction material costs increased by 17% in one year during the pandemic, with some timber and steel products increasing by as much as 40%. In the years prior to 2019, year on year material cost growth rate usually sat between 2-3%.
The favourable cost comparison of window film to new windows, and the growing cost disparity between the two, continues to drive building owners to window film.
T&C audit
In an earlier story we discussed the rising prevalence of performance glazing. This may explain why WFAANZ has recently fielded more enquiries than ever from members worried about their legal and ethical responsibility regarding thermal stress breakage.
Our advice: have a lawyer review your protocols and materials in the context of thermal stress. This will give you assurance you’re doing everything in your power in terms of a) transparency and b) conflict mitigation.

Some things to consider and discuss with a lawyer could include:
Terms and conditions
Review the section that covers thermal stress breakage in your terms and conditions.
- Is it clear, thorough, written in plain language, fair?
- Does it provide enough detail about the risks?
- Does it outline who is liable in the event of breakage, and how problems or disputes will be dealt with?
- Are your T&Cs legible when printed, or when viewed on a screen? Is the font large enough?
- Have you created a paper trail so you can prove the client was sent and read the T&Cs?
- Do you insist the client return a signed copy of your quote with T&Cs prior to accepting the job, to prove they have been read?
- Are your protocols sound for filing/archiving this signed documentation (electronically or hard copy)?
- Should your T&Cs be available on your website?
Building window film installers who don’t already mention thermal stress in their T&Cs should look at including it as a priority.
T&Cs must adhere to Australian Consumer Law (ACL). You need to know what the ACL covers as there are penalties if you make claims in your T&Cs that are false, misleading or deceptive. That’s why a lawyer review is recommended.
Do you need a waiver for client signature prior to starting any job where the risk of thermal stress is more pronounced? This should be one of the questions you raise with a lawyer. It differs from business to business and job to job, so you need advice specific to your business, offering, location, etc. as to whether a waiver is necessary in extenuating circumstances (in addition to your T&Cs).
Paper trail
When emailing a quote and/or product info to your client, should you also attach the WFAANZ thermal stress technical bulletin, and refer to it in the body of the email, as a way of demonstrating the lengths you went to inform your client of the thermal stress risks?
Do you have a clear understanding of your insurance policy in relation to whether your business is covered in the event of a client claiming thermal stress from applied film led to the cracking of their windows/doors?
It’s important to note, this article does not constitute legal advice. It has been written to provide thought starters and questions to raise with a lawyer, to ensure all suitable and binding practices and materials are in place.
If you or your staff would like training on thermal stress, how to match film to glass to prevent it, high risk scenarios, what to look out for, etc., we advise you attend the next WFAANZ Architectural Window Film Certification workshop (Training – WFAANZ). Message for more information.
I am with the City of Greater Bendigo in Victoria. We want to install tinting to approx 250M2 windows at an indoor aquatic facility in Bendigo. These facilities are humid. The main purpose of the tinting would be to prevent sun/heat affecting the North facing windows. Other perceived benefits may include energy costs savings by reducing heat loss from inside the facility and glare reduction. My understanding is that not all types/products would perform well in a humid environment, and if they can be installed on the internal side of the windows. So my question is, what films provide the above benefits and could be installed in a humid environment?
If accessible, installing external is the best bet in this scenario. High humidity and the presence of chlorine or salt etc. can affect the film if applied internally. It’s hard to say how much affect as there are a lot of factors at play. An external installation will work better at rejecting solar heat as well. If installing internally, then go for a film that’s going to be stable against corrosion such as ceramic or stainless steel films, for example. I suggest contacting a local WFAANZ member to look at the project and show you some product options.
I would like privacy tinting on my glass pool fence. However, we really want to retain our views from the inside while having privacy from the outside. I understand there is a frosted tint suitable for pool fences but am unable to find out if it can be seen through from the inside. I'm getting conflicting reports from contractors and would appreciate an unbiased opinion on if, and what product is suitable for my situation.
To our knowledge, there are no frost films available in Australia or New Zealand that allow vision from one side and not the other, as frost films have the same translucent frost appearance on both sides. There are ‘dual reflective’ films however (please note, in this situation you would need one that is external rated).
A dual reflective film is one that’s made by laminating two films together in the factory. One side is reflective, so its got a mirror look, and the other side has a low reflection film, so you can see through it better. Think of the interrogation rooms with the one-way glass in TV cop shows, the prisoner in a well-lit room sees a mirror and the detectives in a dark room can see through the glass to the interview room.
However, for this to work to best effect you need a light imbalance (such as in the integration room example). Your outside pool fence won’t have a light imbalance, so it may not give you the privacy you require. Also, the level of one-way vision that’s achieved can change throughout the day as the sun tracks through the sky. The only way to gauge how effective it will be on the actual pool fence would be to talk to a WFAANZ installer about installing a sample so you can assess.
I'm using the WERS for film Energy Rating Tables to compare the effectiveness of different residential solar films at reducing temperature of a room. But it’s unclear how WERS Cooling % is determined and how it relates to TSER. Could you clarify how the WERS specification Cooling % relates to Total Solar Energy Rejection?
WERS For Film cooling % is the percentage improvement when compared to a base case window (pls note, actual outcomes vary according to house design, orientation, building utilisation, etc.). This figure is best used when comparing different WERS rated films, you could compare the WERS cooling % of different films, the one with the higher cooling percentage will be the better performing in terms of its heat rejection.
TSER is Total Solar Energy Rejection. It’s what WFAANZ advises you use to compare the heat rejection ability of films from different suppliers, i.e. compare the TSER of films with the same visible light transmission (VLT). Things to note about TSER:
- Essentially, it describes the solar energy that’s rejected from passing through glass
- The higher the TSER, the more heat that’s blocked
- Expressed as a percentage
- TSER values consider all three forms of solar energy – infrared (IR), visible light and UV; so it tells the full heat rejection story
- IR values by themselves can be misleading because IR is only one of the three forms of solar energy, that’s why TSER is a better way to compare films
When looking at the WERS For Film data table, the column that will give you the best guide about a film’s cooling ability is the SHGC column (solar heat gain coefficient). SHGC is basically the inverse of TSER (TSER explains what’s rejected from entering a room through glass/SHGC explains what heat is gained inside a room). The lower the SHGC, the better its performance.
In the image below, see the light blue box with the red border for the placement of the SHGC column. In the search field on the left, the light blue boxes indicate where you can put in a specific SHGC or a SHGC percentage range to search for all the WERS rated films with those values. Before you search, please make sure you select the Residential tab if it’s for residential windows (I’ve drawn a red arrow to indicate position).
The SHGC column is in blue, and the fields that enable you
to search for a specific SHGC OR a SHGC percentage range,
and also in blue on the left of this image.
Be sure to select either the COMMERCIAL or RESIDENTIAL
tab when using the WERS ratings tables.

Welcome new members
To all the window film businesses below that recently joined WFAANZ – welcome to the team. Remember, the more you engage with us – the more you’ll get out of your membership. Contact me if you need assistance with marketing your membership to maximise your return on investment.
Shady Tintz, QLD
Darkstyle Window Tinting, NSW
Perfection Tinting, NSW
The Window Tinting Centre, NSW
Window Frosting, VIC
Pavise, QLD

Are you where you need to be?
Members, please check your online listing to ensure your business appears in all relevant searches according to the regions you cover: Find a Tinter – WFAANZ. Your business may have expanded, or you may want to cast your net further afield for more work. Email if you need to amend your regions, or if any other contact info needs updating. Here’s a link to the directory listing form, with all the regions listed on page two.
Membership renewals will be sent 1 July, with 30 day payment terms. As WFAANZ is a non-profit association, your membership fees guarantee we can continue to advocate for your business, protect industry standards and safeguard the entire window film industry in the Trans Tasman region. As such, we ask you renew your membership before the due date, so we don’t have to spend resources chasing renewal invoices (and let’s be honest, delinquent payment phone calls are just the worst).